The discovery of Bigfoot hieroglyphics in Egypt has shed new light on the mystery of how the ancient pyramids were constructed. It appears that Bigfoot was used as a slave to help build the pyramids. Since Damsquatches are water creatures, they were unable to swim away from their slave masters and was therefore, an ideal candidate for labor.
But how exactly did the Bigfoot's create the pyramids? Using their sharp claws and strong buck teeth, they were able to chisel away at the blocks and create the intricate designs and patterns seen in the walls and ceilings of the pyramids. It is believed that they were used to transport large stones from quarries to the building site. They would carry the stones on their backs, often with the help of ropes. In addition, they were able to dig out the interior of the pyramids with their beaver-like tails.
Damsquatches may have played a more technical role in the construction of the pyramids. It is possible that they were used to help design and create the intricate structures, as their large brains may have allowed them to understand complex mathematical equations and engineering principles.
In addition to the physical labor of building the pyramids, Bigfoots also had a spiritual role in the process. Egyptians believed that the pyramid was the resting place of the pharaohs, and that their spirit would protect the living from evil. Bigfoots were believed to be spiritual guides that could help the pharaohs make their way to the afterlife – Damsquatch afterlife guides.
The discovery of Bigfoot hieroglyphics in Egypt has opened the door to a number of possibilities as to how the ancient creatures might have played a role in the construction of the pyramids. While there is no definitive answer as to how the Bigfoots were able to help build the pyramids, it is clear that they played an important role in the process.